These modules are designed for students studying animal care at FE level. They provide detailed and specific information and allow access to areas of the zoo not normally available for the public to view.

Please note, we can not guarantee which animals will be seen on any specific tour.


Sessions are for a maximum of 30 participants (students and teachers) , but we can run multiple sessions if you have a larger group.

Each module is 2 hours. One hour is spent in a classroom setting providing background information and an introduction to the topic. The other hour is out in the zoo participating in a tailored behind-the-scenes tour.


Animal care modules cost £13.50 per post-16 student, which includes: zoo entry and the educational session including the tour.

Free teacher places are provided at a ratio of 1 per 10 students. Additional staff beyond this ratio are charged at £13.50 each. Carers are admitted free at a 1:1 ratio for any students with physical or emotional disabilities, are the subjects of SEND statements or EHCPs, or can provide other evidence of specific needs.

No minimum number of students is required, but there is a £100 minimum charge regardless of the number of students attending.

Risk Assessments

Please ensure all adult leaders and students are familiar with the Animal Care Module risk assessment guidelines.

Animal Behaviour

The session examines what behaviour is, with specifics to innate and learned behaviours. Potential ways behaviours are studied is then discussed in more detail. This is followed by looking at case studies to highlight and discuss stereotypical behaviour and what methods can be used to reduce them. Visitor effects on zoo animals are also examined through the use of case studies. On the tour, students will see ways the keepers can monitor behaviour as well as examples of how husbandry and enclosure design can allow animals to express a wider range of natural behaviours.

Animal Restraint

The differences between physical and chemical restraint are explored. This leads into the reasons for restraint and which methods are best in various circumstances. The talk ends with a discussion of how training can be used to avoid restraint. The tour involves examining equipment in enclosures used to restrain animals (e.g. crush cages), as well as equipment used to facilitate training (e.g. training walls).

Animal Training

Enclosure Design

Students will learn all about creating appropriate enclosures for zoo animals. Using examples from the zoo, pupils learn how enclosure design must meet the needs of the keepers, animals, and visitors. The needs of the animals are then explored in more depth with relation to the Five Freedoms and how we ensure proper animal care and welfare. The tour includes the chance to see enclosure features not normally visible to the public such as filter systems, incubation rooms, off-show housing, and dens.


Ethics and Collection Planning

Students will discover how TAGS, regional and institution collection plans as well as EEPs are used by zoos in the 21st century to aid population management. The role of the ethics committee is also discussed and the students are given real ethical scenarios to discuss and resolve. The tour includes a variety of off-show areas with modifications/considerations needed for breeding groups such as cubing dens, separation stalls, breeding groups and bachelor groups, etc.

More to learn and do at the zoo: