Prices & Payment

Educational Youth Group Ticket T&Cs

All group members must enter the zoo together to benefit from these discounted rates; we do not print out individual tickets.

We require all educational youth groups to book their visit a minimum of 5 days in advance. Please note that when booking your visit it is fine if your numbers are estimates. We will confirm your exact final numbers of children and adults on the day of your visit.

Payment Options

Educational Youth Groups do not need to pay a deposit or pre-pay. Payment is required on arrival by cash or card. For quicker entry, ensure the card is present, as ‘card not present’ payments may cause delays.

The group leader will confirm numbers and provide Zoo Passes. Children and supporting adults should wait outside until the leader checks in and receives tickets.

To qualify for discounted rates, the entire group must enter together. Late arrivals will be charged full price.

Free Adult Supervisors

Educational Youth Groups are offered free adult places for supervision, click for more details

These supervision ratios are guidelines only, while we require children to be supervised, we do not require these exact ratios.  Please base your supervisory ratios on the behaviour of your specific children.

The ratio of free adults to children is:

  • Ages 5-11 – 1 free adult per 6 paying children
  • Ages 11-16 – 1 free adult per 8 paying chldren

Children with physical, emotional, or specific needs (SEND statements, EHCPs, or other evidence) qualify for free adult carers/assistants at a 1:1 ratio. You may be asked for verification of the need for carers/assistants at entry. If you require a higher ratio of carers/assistants, please contact us at Please be aware that children who qualify for the 1:1 carer place will not count towards the overall free supervisory ratio.

Children using Zoo Passes (gold cards) are admitted free of charge but do not count towards your free adult ratio.

Children ages 14 and younger must be supervised at all times.
Children ages 14-16 require supporting leaders to accompany them into the zoo, but are allowed to traverse the zoo in small independent groups without direct supervision. All unsupervised children must be in uniform and/or otherwise identifiable in the event we need to contact you regarding their behaviour.


We offer Educational Youth Group leaders two free familiarisation tickets to visit the site and plan your day and complete risk assessments prior to your visit. These tickets are only available to registered leaders (they cannot be used by friends or family members).

In order to qualify for these ticekts, you must already have a booked Educational Youth Group trip to Colchester Zoo.

The two leaders will be required to show official ID to access these tickets. If ID is not available for your Educational Youth Group please contact to arrange for a letter of proof.

Risk Assessments

Colchester Zoo provides risk assessment guidance sheets for schools with a general outline of potential risks and identified controls. These may be helpful resource to develop risk assessments for your group visit:

It is strongly recommended that all organisers make a preliminary visit to Colchester Zoo to carry out their own risk assessment.


Coach and car parking at Colchester Zoo is free.

If arriving by coach, park in the designated coach area. Children and supporting leaders should stay on the coach while the leader checks in at the ticket kiosk with final numbers and payment.

For individual cars, gather children in a safe area in the car park. Children and supporting leaders should remain in this gathering location while the leader checks in and pays.

Once tickets are issued, the leader will collect the group to enter via the main entrance. Tickets and passes will be scanned.

Exit through the Gift Shop. If you’ve purchased goody bags or badges, ensure these are collected before leaving.



The Youth Group Map highlights undercover picnie areas around the zoo. These cannot be pre-booked and are available on a first come, first served basis. Please note that Educational Youth Groups eating packed lunch are not allowed to eat inside our food outlets or cafés.

If your older children plan to eat at our food outlets, please be aware that on quieter days some of them may not be open. See below to find out more:

Play Areas

Educational Youth Groups are offered discounted entry rates because their visit is educational in nature and encouraging their children to learn about animals and the environment. As such, Educational Youth Groups are not permitted to use the Jungle Tumble Soft Play indoor play area.

Educational Youth Group children ages 10 and older are not permitted to use any play areas.

Educational Youth Group children ages 5 – 10 are allowed to use any outdoor play area within the zoo between between 12-2pm only.