Located next to our Kingdom of the Wild habitat, Vulture Valley is home to two species of critically endangered vultures, the African white-backed vulture and the Rüppell’s griffon vulture. These birds can be seen in their large aviary with viewing only available on one side.

Vultures are often unfairly misrepresented in movies and on TV and are considered ugly however, they are critical to habitats, feasting on carrion which removes the risk of disease and parasites.

Located behind Vulture Valley is Wilderness Walk which also connects to Kingdom of the Wild, African Plateau and Edge of Africa.

Griffon vultures fly around
on average
Griffon vultures stand
tall on average
White-backed vulture wingspan is
wide on average
White-backed vulture wingspan live
years on average

Animals in Vulture Valley

African white-backed Vulture

Gyps africanus

From: Sahel region of Africa to South Africa

Status: Critically Endangered

Quick Fact: Hundreds of African white-backed vultures gather to feed. They gorge themselves so much they cannot fly and then rest with wings spread and their backs facing the sun.

Find me in: Vulture Valley


Rüppell’s Griffon Vulture

Gyps rueppellii

From: Sub-saharan Africa

Status: Critically Endangered

Quick Fact: Rüppell’s Griffon vultures can consume more than 3 pounds of meat in under five minutes.

Find me in: Vulture Valley


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