This habitat includes three different species within the same area. Visitors can access the walkway through a twin gate and watch as these animals bounce and play amongst the beams and branches. The area also features an indoor area with outdoor viewing access for those chilly days.

Our sloths can be seen either in their nest boxes inside or hanging upside down high up in their outdoor space. Sloths are the world’s slowest mammal and sleep for around 15 hours a day.

Golden-headed lion tamarins and coppery titi monkeys are small primates that live in rainforests in South America. We have another group of breeding coppery titi monkeys located at Worlds Apart.

Sloth live around
years in the wild
In the year
our coppery titi monkeys first bred
There are
in this habitat
Tamarins weigh around
on average

Animals in Rainforest Walkthrough

Coppery Titi Monkey

Plecturocebus cupreus

From: Brazil and Peru

Status: Least Concern

Quick Fact: Coppery titi monkeys intertwine their tails when they sleep together at night.

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Golden-headed Lion Tamarin

Leontopithecus chrysomelas

From: South America

Status: Endangered

Quick Fact: Golden-headed lion tamarins stick their tongues out at intruders to scare them away.

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Linne’s Two-toed Sloth

Choloepus didactylus

From: Central and South America

Status: Least Concern

Quick Fact: Sloths are the slowest animals in the world as their leafy diet doesn’t provide them with much energy.

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