Our African lion habitat includes an indoor sleeping area and a large outdoor space for roaming and sunbathing. The outdoor area is also visible from two locations including access to a higher viewpoint via stairs.

This area is also home to our fennec fox habitat which includes a large indoor area and an outside area. This habitat has been created to reflect the natural environment of a fennec foxes with sand a shrubbery.

African lions are the largest predators in Africa, hunting large prey such as wildebeest, zebra and buffalo.

In the year
this habitat was built
A lion sleeps
hours a day
A roar carries
miles away
There are
species in this habitat

Animals in Lion Rock

African Lion

Panthera Leo

From: Africa

Status: Vulnerable

Quick Fact: The most social of all the cats, lions form groups called prides which are made up of related females and usually just one male.

Find me in: Lion Rock


Fennec Fox

Vulpes zerda

From: North Africa

Status: Least Concern

Quick Fact: The smallest of all the foxes, the fennec fox is easily recognisable due to its large ears.

Find me in: Lion Rock


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