Located next to our cherry-crowned mangabeys, just around the corner from the lower viewing area of Bears of the Rising Sun, visitors can journey through the walkthrough with the chance to see the birds up close and enjoy their vibrant colours.

This fantastic area, which was previously Butterfly Glade, has been adapted to make a wonderful home for these striking bird species.

Feathers of the Forest is another self-sufficient habitat with a bio-mass boiler, contributing to our green zoo!

In the year
this area was upgraded
Pigeons can live for
40 years
in the wild
Partridges can live for
10 years
in the wild
Female pigeons spend
30 days
incubating eggs

Animals in Feathers of the Forest

Crested Wood Partridge

Rollulus rouloul

From: Asia

Status: Vulnerable

Quick Fact: These birds use their feet to scratch for food under the leaf litter.

Find me in: Feathers of the Forest


Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Goura victoria

From: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia

Status: Near Threatened

Quick Fact: Victoria crowned pigeons are the largest pigeons in the world.

Find me in: Feathers of the Forest


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