Colchester Zoo first introduced Komodo dragons to its collection in 2006 to become part of the European Ex Situ Programme (EEP) for this species. In January 2013, we saw the hatching of our first baby Komodo dragon, which was later confirmed to be the first in the UK bred through natural mating.

The Dragons of Komodo habitat has been designed to mimic the Komodo dragon’s natural environment. The sliding roof allows natural light and fresh air into the indoor area. The sprinkler system mimics the wet and dry season and there is also under-floor heating to maintain a high temperature.

Komodo dragons have an exceptionally strong sense of smell, so our Animal Care Team also put lots of different scents in their habitat each day – their favourite is hot chocolate! The best time to see our Komodo dragons is early in the morning as this is when they are most active.

This habitat is heated to
degrees celsius
Dragons can survive on
meals per year
In the year
viewing was updated
Humidity levels are
in the wild

Animals in Dragons of Komodo

Komodo Dragon

Varanus komodoensis

From: Indonesia

Status: Endangered

Quick Fact: A Komodo dragon’s mouth is full of deadly bacteria which it uses to poison its prey.

Find me in: Dragons of Komodo


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