In the wild, grey wolves live in packs of 5-10 individuals and have a highly organised social structure with an alpha male and female leading the group. The alpha male and female are the only members who breed.

Eurasian grey wolves have shorter, denser fur than their Northern American relatives and, due to a decline in territory, form smaller packs than in North America.

In the past, wolves have been exterminated throughout central and northern European countries, but numbers are now slowly recovering.

Wolves live for
13 years
in the wild
Wolves can reach
when running
Wolves can be up to
in weight
Wolf territories are
square kilometres

Animals in Call of the Wild

Eurasian Grey Wolf

Canis lupus lupus

From: Europe and Asia

Status: Least Concern

Quick Fact: The grey wolf is the largest wild canid or member of the ‘dog’ family. Grey wolves are social animals and the ancestor of all domestic dogs.

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