UPDATE: Our Philippine Spotted Deer calf has been confirmed as male and has been named Flynn! Our family group are all named alphabetically with mum Autumn, dad Bongat and their previous young, Clive, Dot and Eugene.

On 2nd January, our Animal Care Team received the wonderful news that a young calf had been born at Colchester Zoo. The team were extremely excited to welcome the first birth of 2024!

We can now announce that female Philippine Spotted Deer, Autumn, gave birth to a single healthy calf! The young arrival is yet to be sexed by the team where a name will be chosen.

Since Autumn’s arrival in 2019, Autumn has given birth to three calves here at the Zoo with male Philippine spotted deer, Bongat.

Bongat arrived at Colchester Zoo in March 2019 from Edinburgh Zoo, shortly followed by Autumn’s arrival in May 2019. It was hoped that Bongat and Autumn would become a successful breeding pair, and they haven’t disappointed, with both proving to be great parents to all their young. 

This species of deer is currently listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, so it’s great news that we have another addition to the family, helping towards the conservation of this species. 

Our family of Philippine spotted deer can be seen at Island Dwellers.